Datura Flower Essence
Dark night of the soul | Shadow work | Sex magick | Shapeshifting | Gracefully letting go of the familiar | Transition
Sacred Datura is a catalyst for necessary transmutation, however painful. Whether it's ushering in the ending of known and familiar relationships, roles, jobs, or ways of life - be prepared for substantial shape-shifts with this powerful lunar Queen. Such transitions are often referred to as a dark night of the soul, in which there can be harsh dissolution of illusory ideals, tightly held dreams, or cherished beliefs about reality. But through these difficult, tender periods we can uncover profound new perspectives and greatly expand our view of reality.
In the same way this plant is highly toxic and can kill those who carelessly ingest her, Datura flower essence will accelerate the shifts that need to take place within you in a drastic and unmistakably tangible way. She doesn't care if you're ready or not... so please make sure before working with her that you are ready.
Before using this flower essence a phase akin to a mini psychedelic preparation would not go astray, especially given Datura is traditionally used as a magical plant taken in a ritualistic framework, visioning, and in puberty initiations by various indigenous tribes of America. Intention setting and knowing who and what your supports look like would be astute steps to take in your preamble with Datura flower essence. Even if large shifts have already begun for you, taking these steps would be a wise addition to your use of Datura flower essence.
Whilst life-altering, Datura will lend you grace and acceptance that can help you move more smoothly and swiftly through changes that are both painful and revolutionary.
Within mythology, astrology, tarot, and shamanism we find myriad correspondences to the cycles and elements of nature, and to the archetypal personalities of our psyches. Although commonly associated with the full moon phase of the lunar cycle, my experience with this plant is more resonant with the dark moon, and The Dark Goddesses that contain rejected aspects of the feminine, or the shadow. Assertiveness, sexuality, power, and bodily autonomy are aspects of feminine wholeness that are feared by patriarchal cultures, and likewise women are pressured to disown these parts of themselves.
Datura asks us to embrace these aspects of the feminine shadow so that they are not confined to the dark realms of our unconscious, where they can become distorted into poisons like sexual shame, body hatred, passive-aggression and intense neuroticism. Such psychic toxins obscure our clear view of the world and cut us off from ourselves.
Sexual energy is a potent force - when harnessed wisely it can help us transcend our normally perceived reality. With her aphrodisiac nature, Datura use is recorded in the Kama Sutra as well as more modern use for impotence. Datura is the ideal companion for sex magick and for reinhabiting our lower energy centres, for example after sexual trauma, miscarriage, or simply to bring light to our sexual selves.
Dosage: Take 2-4 drops up to 4 times per day, directly on the tongue or in a glass of water.
Ingredients: Datura stramonium vibrational remedy. Made with gluten free brandy & filtered rainwater.
Handcrafted with love by Casey Conroy, qualified naturopath and herbalist using organically grown or sustainably wildcrafted plants. This is a vibrational remedy.
15mL stock bottle
NOTE: This is a vibrational essence, not an infusion, tincture, or other extract. It contains no actual plant material or phytochemical and is very safe. Please be very mindful and respectful if you ever decide to work with Datura in other forms. It is strongly advised that extensive research be done first.
The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the TGA or FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.