Looking to fine tune your health regime?
Want to be inspired, motivated and guided through an easy and fun program?

Welcome to the 14-Day Green Smoothie Yoga Challenge!
A FREE 2-week wellbeing program, available to you 24-7, 365 days of the year.
Each day I’ll show you a short vinyasa yoga sequence that we can practise together.
Feel free to move through the sequence on its own, or integrate it into your personal yoga practice.
To complete the challenge in two weeks, days 9 & 10 and days 11 & 12 are combined.
You can also join all the sequences in order for a complete balanced practice.
After many of the sessions I’ll help you refuel with a fast, delicious and highly nourishing raw drink or snack!
By the end of the 14 days I’m confident you’ll be feeling stronger, healthier and more energetic.
I’m so excited at the prospect of being your personal yoga teacher and nutritionist as I help you raise your levels of life force energy over the next two weeks! Take the videos in your own time and do what nourishes you most, always practising with consciousness and responsibility for your body.
These videos have always been, and will forever be my FREE gift to you as a fellow lover of life. Please share them with your friends, make yummy food together, and have fun!
I’d love to hear your feedback so let me know how you’re going and any other way I can help you reach your potential as an adventurous yogi and high-vibration being!
So what are you waiting for?! Scroll down and click Day 1 to begin feeling more vibrant and nourished!
Love, backbends and green smooches,
Casey :-)
Day 1 Green Smoothie FlowToday is Day 1 of the challenge and I will take you through a few variations on the sun salutation, the foundation of vinyasa or flow yoga. Then we get into the kitchen and I show you how to make a basic green smoothie in under 5 minutes!
Day 4 Sweet to the CoreCore strength is vital to a safe yoga practice and a functional day-to-day life. You can improve your core strength by practising this sequence regularly. Finish with this hearty sweet potato and avocado salad, energetically grounding food that's filling and yummy!
Day 7 Balsamic Berry BreathingYou're half way! Calm and re-centre your mind with an easy breath meditation. Finish with a delicious Italian Salad with Blackberry-Balsamic dressing. This dish is an explosion of flavour and deeply satisfying! Treat yourself with some 70% cocoa chocolate for dessert.
Day 10 Banana SplitsFront Splits (Somakonasana) followed by a delicious banana surprise! Choose the variations you attempt wisely, honouring the wisdom of your body. You can take this class straight after the previous one, in place of it, or give it a day's rest.
Day 13 Heaven-Earth BackbendsBackbends require the most courage, strength and flexibility of all asanas, opening the heart and uplifting the spirits. In backbends lift your sternum and strongly scoop your tailbone under so you don’t put excessive strain on the thoraco-lumbar joint (lower back).
Day 16 Succulent OrigamiForward bends nurture the core strength required to build stability and strength. Take these at your own pace as towards the end it becomes a little more advanced. Stay for 5-10 breaths in each forward fold, or up to 5 minutes for a more restorative practice.
Day 2 Endurance Sports SlushieThis session targets the large muscle groups used for riding and running: hamstrings, quadriceps and gluteals. It's also a nice warmup at the beginning of a longer yoga sequence. End with a Green Slushie to cool you down after a hot, sweaty workout!
Day 5 Beginner Water WarriorEnliven your body with this flow taking you through the 3 basic warrior stances – Virabhadrasana 1, 2 and 3. There are flowing and static options for every level. Have fun breathing, sweating and exploring your body and mind! kjhkjhkjhkjhhkhkjhhjkhjkhjh
Day 8 Raw Sushi Tree ForestStanding balances develop emotional stability and mental clarity. Enjoy this calming sequence of tree (Vrksasana) and standing big toe pose (Padangusthasana) that improve balance & muscle coordination. Then have fun making 100% raw sushi!
Day 11 Anything But BirdseedToday we focus on all things “birdy”! This sequence culminates in a beautiful balancing posture and twist all in one. This is one version of Bird of Paradise you can work up to. Be careful of shoulders and as always don’t push farther than your body naturally allows.
Day 14 Mexican Balancing ActComplete your backbending with Peacock Feather (Pincha Mayurasana) and Scorpion (Vrschikasana). These are advanced postures so build up carefully and use a wall to start with. Neutralise the spine with twists and mexican veggie chips!
Day 17 Cerebellar PoiseOn the final day of our 2 week challenge, we’ll go through some alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Sodhana) before finishing our mexican extravaganza chips and dips – salsa and guacamole! Enjoy and congratulate yourself on all the hard work you’ve done.
Day 3 Standing Twist SaladTwists improve spinal health, digestion and help to move lymph and blood through the body, improving elimination and circulation. Emotionally, twists loosen the “knots” in our lives. Enjoy the scrummy candied almond and date salad at the end :-)
Day 6 - Intermediate Earth WarriorWarm up to this with some sun salutation (Day 1) and make sure you’ve tried the Beginner Warrior Sequence (Day 5) If possible, practice outdoors - it will ground you and the fresh air will help to re-invigorate your body as you breathe and sweat your worries away.
Day 9 Monkey MagicHip openers can bring suppressed emotions to the surface - you have been warned! Warm up thoroughly to these variations of Monkey God Pose (Hanumanasana) with any of the vinyasa flow videos from the previous eight days.
kjk Day 12 Do Feed the PigeonsIn part 2 of bird postures, we move onto the pigeon postures (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) and variations to begin opening the hips, groin and back. This will prepare you for Day 11: backbends! You can take this class straight after the previous one, or give it a day's rest.
Day 15 King & Queen of the FruitsInversions reverse the flow of gravity, throwing new light on old behavioural patterns. Avoid inversions on the first few days of menstruation, if you have neck problems, or are in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Practice mindfully, clear your mind.
All videos (+more) on our YouTube channel!
Playful Yoga
Here are some additional videos made with fun and experimentation in mind!
Hula Hoop Yoga WarmupA little something to add playfulness and spice to your yoga practice! Here are a few ways to stretch yourself out using a hula hoop before getting into your yoga session. Great for splits, abs, hips and backbends.
I use a 1m diameter PVC hoop which is light and has some give. I made this video after 3 hours sleep and a night of 2am cookie baking, inversions and movies, so I didn’t realise when the video cut off most of my vinyasa practice - oh well :-) |
Acrobatic Yoga PlayAlso called flying partner yoga or Acroyoga, this fusion of acrobatics, yoga and thai massage is one of my favourite ways to catch up with topsy turvy friends, loosen up and forget about my worries and fears.
It's easier to be present when you're upside down and balancing on someone's feet! Always practice with safety in mind. I suggest learning with an experienced teacher before attempting these on your own. |