The best word to sum these up: Orgasmic. Enough said. INGREDIENTS For the Filling : 70g desiccated coconut 50 g dehydrated buckwheat groats, 4 tsp of raw honey 1/2 tsp of coconut oil For the Topping: 60g raw organic cacao butter 4 tbsp raw organic cacao powder 1 tbsp raw agave nectar 1 vanilla pod, insides scraped out and reserved | PREPARATION For the Filling: In a bowl, mix all filling ingredients together, ensuring the mixture is not runny . Put the mix in the fridge or freezer until the texture is rollable (around 30 minutes in a fridge). Mould mixture into 'Bounty' shaped logs or circular discs using a mould. For the Topping: Grate cacao butter and melt in a double boiler. you can create one by placing a small metal bowl inside a larger one, filling the large bowl with boiling water and filling the small bowl with the cacao butter. When the butter has melted, stir in the agave, then stir in cacao powder 1 tbsp at a time, Dip your bounty bars in chocolate and freeze. I like to double dip after one freeze session for extra awesomeness. |