Blame the Venus transit, or the seasonal desire to keep our inner embers burning - the surge towards transformation is undeniably strong and getting stronger. Can you feel it?!
Have you noticed a feeling of unease at the core of your being with part or all of your current life situation, along with a desire to cut the crap? I certainly have!!
These days, there is so much confusion, pain and frustration around nutrition as a result of information overload and the overwhelming pressure to "look good". It makes me crazy! We are fed a steady stream of media hype, scientific evidence that has been contorted to fit in with certain industry or company agendas, and clever marketing and PR.
I witness this confusion everyday in the stories my clients tell me about their disillusionment with body image concerns, healthy eating and in some cases, completely giving up their sense of autonomy and empowerment around making healthy decisions for themselves, in the face of so much conflicting information and the ever elusive search for "weight loss".
It is time we go out and pound down the doors of truth for the diet and nutrition answers we are hungry for.
Along this path, we start to confront inaccurate beliefs around food and health that the media and popular diet culture has fed us over the years. Unravelling these dietary myths and mainstream ways of thinking about nutrition allows us to turn back to Mother Nature as our greatest provider and to our bodies as our greatest teacher.
When deciding what and what not to put into your body, I advise you to make all decisions from a place of joy, truth and love. If we embark on any lifestyle change in emulation of another or to please someone else, we will not be acting in integrity or in line with our highest truth. Besides, the list of reasons to do this for yourself is huge: heightened energy, resistance against chronic disease, sharpened awareness, strong immunity, emotional fortitude, and the satisfaction that you are treating your body with the utmost respect and love.
It all starts with a desire to change.
From this desire, you can ignite a fire of inner power and lasting serenity that becomes self sustaining. Hence, faith in the wisdom of our bodies, a devotion to protecting and connecting with the earth that nourishes us, an insatiable hunger for truth, and a desire to understand and listen to the body better than ever before, can spring forth.