She goes to yoga and only shops at organic markets. She makes her own bone broth, vegetable juices, and paleo "treats" (because gut healing is good, and dairy and sugar are "bad").
She spends a small fortune on vitamins, probiotics and herbal supplements.
She is very health conscious, sometimes bordering on being obsessively so.
She has seen numerous health practitioners prior to seeing me.
And despite her utmost efforts to be healthy, she has long list of seemingly obscure health conditions. The list of signs and symptoms I see in these women goes something like this:
Headaches, migraines, intense cravings, cold hands and feet, sleep problems, rough dry skin, brittle hair, hair loss, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), dizziness, brain fog, low energy levels, low body temperature, constipation, low libido, bloating, indigestion, frequent need to urinate, anxiety, panic attacks, loss of muscle mass, heart palpitations, frequent colds and flu / thrush / UTIs / herpes outbreaks, unpredictable emotional swings, severe PMS, irregular periods, missing periods, infertility.
The woman in question usually doesn't have every single one of these (although some do), but she will have a significant number (around 80% or more) of them.
By the time they've come to see me, many of these women have attributed this long and baffling list of symptoms to candida. Or a food intolerance. Or simply "being too fat".
And they've come to the conclusion (via Google or some health guru) that the obvious solution is to embark upon yet another restrictive diet. Anti-candida, low-carb, paleo, keto, GAPS, SCD, vegan, intermittent fasting, and raw are the usual go-to's right now.
And herein lies the root of the problem.
The Big Thing most health-conscious people are missing (that's ruining their health)
The root of these women's problems is this: They are trying too hard to be healthy and as a result, they are eating too restrictively.
The biggest mistake I see women making today is trying too hard to be healthy.