Phase 1: The Menstrual Phase
Phase 3: The Ovulatory Phase
The cyclical nature of the menstrual cycle communicates our constantly changing needs. And the benefits of paying attention to these needs are SIGNIFICANT! In this series we will explore the different phases of the menstrual cycle and how to best honour them using nutrition, herbs, and lifestyle changes.
In this article we will explore the second phase of the menstrual cycle - The Pre-Ovulatory Phase.
PHASE 2: THE Pre-Ovulatory PHASE
If your cycle is say 30 days long, this phase might more closely correspond with days 7 to 12 or so.
Similar to an inner Spring, or the waxing moon phase of the lunar cycle, this phase has traditionally been seen as a time of dynamism, of rising energy levels and growing confidence. I personally feel a sense of renewal, as if the fresh breezes of Spring are flowing through my consciousness!
After you have a period, you begin to grow a bunch of new eggs (or follicles) inside one of your ovaries. You enter an energetic cycle of inspiration and creation: physically, psychologically, and spiritually. This phase is ideal for giving birth to something outside yourself as internally, one of your ovaries begins to gestate and "birth" a fertile egg.
I love getting into the energetic and archetypal aspects of the hormonal cycle. But I also think we need to cover some basic physiology so that you get a good idea of what's happening inside your body during this phase. So...