- The co-opting of wellness to sell stuff and the accessibility issues this creates
- Differences between health, wellness and wellbeing
- The problematic belief that living a “clean” lifestyle guarantees you won’t get sick
- Healthism
- “Wellness is about the direction you’re facing” - you can live with chronic illness and still have high level wellness
- The trouble with naturopaths (!)
- How qualified naturopaths can set themselves apart from under-qualified people with questionable training (hint: client-centred practice!)
- Homeopathy, reiki, and “meeting the client where they are at”
- Navigating a client’s desire to follow extreme diets for cancer
- Why a HAES-informed, weight neutral practice is "old school naturopathy in its best sense"
- Yoga therapy and the koshas
- Finding truly body inclusive and accessible yoga
- Chandrika’s research in head and neck cancer and her lived experience with skin cancer
Support the show at the Non-Diet Yogi Patreon
Chandrika's personal Facebook page, Surya Health and Wisdom Yoga Institute
Chandrika's articles on Medium:
The Trouble With Naturopaths
Body Positive Yoga