I was starving and my fridge was bare. So I went on a hunt for a healthy takeaway meal. Dodged the petrol stations and 7-11's - because really they offer nothing that's healthy to eat!
After some searching I ended up with sweet potato wedges (from a cocktail bar), salad and a few felafels from the kebab guy. Woohoo! Go me. Or so I thought...
Love what you eat
Most natural health-conscious folks will understand my dilemma: in short, microwaved food isn't ideal.
I could have made a scene.
I could have asked him to stop the microwave immediately!
But I decided to try something else. Instead I paid for my food and thanked him, went home and did a love infusion ceremony before eating it.
I blessed my meal. I stilled my mind for just a few moments. I imagined a beautiful blue wave of cool energy moving through my food. I thought of the people I love, and the things in my life I'm grateful for. My partner, friends, and career. My beautiful home in the rainforest. The sacred silence around me.
Then I channelled it all into those zapped felafels and ate my dinner: radiation, carcinogenic toxins, non-organic produce and all. And I felt deeply nourished and satisfied.
Think of the HOW
When you hand pick the beans from the market, when you smell the watermelon for freshness.
When you think fondly of your grandmother while making her famous soup.
When you listen to music as you chop, laugh with friends around the table.
When you bless your food before a meal, and send gratitude to all the people who helped get it to your plate.
This all sends a vibration of love into your food, which can radically change its molecular structure. For more on this see Masaru Emoto's work on emotions and water molecules.
Establishing a positive energetic connection to your food is, I believe, just as important as picking local, organic, fairly traded whole foods grown in environmentally-sound ways.
Eat what you love
We still need to eat what we love, no matter how healthy it is. Vitamin L (love!) is the nutrient that I see many health-conscious people forgetting, time and time again.
I don’t care how packed that kale & barley grass smoothie is with antioxidants, if you have to pinch your nose to get it down, it’s not good for you.
Your emotional and mental states matter, especially when it comes to eating. When you are upset, turned off, or not particularly excited about your food, you won't absorb it as well as if you were relaxed, interested in what you're eating, and eating something you really enjoy.
What I'm saying is, if you cringe at drinking that superfood-packed green smoothie, your digestive tract and cells will be cringing at the assimilation.
Not long ago, a client told me that dinner is her favourite meal. Then she went on to tell me how she either binges on chocolate late at night from the sugar cravings, or she wakes up in the middle of the night starving because it’s “healthier” to eat only protein and a salad after 6pm instead of a nourishing meal with some complex carbohydrates. How can suffering and depriving herself of a bit of love and a major macronutrient be healthy? All that does is put her body into stress response.
At a certain point you’ve got to be who you are and eat what you love.
List what you absolutely love to eat. See where there’s room to tweak and improve the quality: think of the upgrade to having salad instead of fries, or take the middle way and go for sweet potato wedges. Think cold-pressed oil over refined. Leafy greens or zucchini strips to roll your yummiest wrap fillings, instead of white pasta.
And whatever you eat, bless your meal, and infuse it with love.
When you bring a bit of love for what you’re doing into the kitchen or even when ordering out at a cafe, that energy gets infused into everything you eat. Raising the vibration of the meal, of your cells, of your health.
Bring some Vitamin L back into your meals, and watch your body respond accordingly.