I’ve spent the last three weeks in a hilltop treehouse on a small tropical island in the Gulf of Thailand. What an exploration of inner and outer worlds it has been! I’ve counselled some beautiful souls on how to eat better and gain more energy naturally, and taught yoga daily at Shambhala, the most beautiful sala on Earth, on the forested grounds of a beach resort.
I've broken through barriers in my personal yoga practice, played with acrobatic yoga, aerial silks, trapeze and capoiera, and swam in the ocean. I’ve also explored my inner world, meditated in forests, ran and hiked in nature, listened to the trees and prayed under the stars. And I’ve realised something that I could only gain perspective on from afar, away from the busy regimen of my current life in Australia.
What I’m about to share with you is extremely personal but I feel many of you are in the same boat, and would benefit greatly from hearing this. Up until recently, I have starved not my body, but my soul. Yes, a nutritionist, starving from the inside out!

However, so many of us health-conscious forward thinkers neglect ourselves on a daily basis - not by starving our bodies of the right nutrients, but by starving our souls.
Many of you will know what I mean – health practitioners, carers, mothers, parents, teachers, partners, business owners, employers, employees… most of us, in some way, give up our authenticity, power and truth in order to serve and support others, and in my case, to nourish others both literally and indirectly, through teaching nutrition and intuitive self-nourishment.
Yes, the irony of this is obvious to me!

I hadn’t been for a massage, acupuncture treatment, energy healing, hell even a haircut for over 6 months – since my last visit to Thailand! I’d been so busy watering and fertilising my business and tending to my clients and students that my inner world had become dry and wilted. And that's no one’s fault but my own.
It was only through a number of coincidences, meetings, lessons, conversations I’ve had here that I began to awaken to my blatant self-abuse. After having a session with my friend Dipi, a wonderful acupuncturist and highly intuitive body-worker, I finally realised just how much I’d overdrawn the bank balance of my heart in order to be there for others.

That poor little heart was overused and underfed. As a result my heart was becoming harder instead of softer, a fatal mistake when your primary role and life’s purpose is as a health professional.
We desiccate our souls by failing to take time out for ourselves. I’ve now vowed to spend more time in nature drawing inspiration, rejuvenating myself by taking regular mini-holidays, channelling my creativity more through writing and painting, and getting therapeutic treatments from other practitioners every two weeks, all to top up my soul tank and keep it full. I’m excited not only at the extra ease this will bring to my life, but the increased efficiency and benefits a happier, more centred me will bring to you, my precious clients, students and friends!

Wonderful doors are opening to teach and consult at resorts and spas from Bali to Perth, and shortly I’ll be re-configuring my schedule to spend time abroad running intensive health programs as well as returning to the Gold Coast periodically to consult at my clinic and teach.
It’s incredible how much more we can accomplish when we be more, and do less!
With love, and Sabai Jai (a happy heart),
Casey xxx