These hearty breakfast options are wholefood, plant-based and perfect for those among us who just need something more substantial and wish to discover new tastes!
These recipes are also wonderful for those with higher energy requirements, such as pregnant women and athletes (like there's a difference!) The savoury veggies on sprouted grain toast with avocado is perfect if you've just come back from a long winter run through the forest and need something to fill the belly and warm the heart. Wash it down with a steaming mug of hot chai tea and Bob's your uncle!
· Savoury Veggies on Toast: Toast 2 thin slices of Essene sprouted grain bread. Add a thin layer of organic miso paste, a smattering of fresh avocado, and any other vegetables you like. Protein-packed sprouts, tomato, baby spinach, cucumber, and sweet capsicum are wonderful options! Add portobello mushrooms pan-fried in a small amount of coconut oil and garlic if you're feeling very gourmand.
· Very Berry Frappe: Blend 20 to 30 grams of Sunwarrior Protein Powder, a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, chopped apple, chopped pear or a handful of berries, almond milk or water plus a few ice cubes. Or be adventurous and do a warming winter version of this smoothie, by using stovetop-warmed almond milk and obviously omitting the ice cubes. Go on break the rules!

Add 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, a dash of freshly ground nutmeg, 8 drops vanilla essence and stevia to taste. Cook over low heat until creamy and soft, adding water as needed. Remove from heat. Top with chopped dates and almond butter, and a sprinkle of cinnamon, if you like. Warning: can be addictive.

· Real Bircher Muesli: Soak overnight 3 tablespoons of whole oats or raw buckwheat in filtered water. Next morning add 1 teaspoon of skin-nourishing coconut oil, an apple or pear (chopped or grated) and a handful of fresh or frozen berries. Sweeten with agave nectar or stevia.